Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The tears - part 6

Jinming had wake up early, but 3 hours earlier than his normal wakeup time, he wana see her online....and yup he did.

his 4am, her 7pm....she had just finish work and he is going to prepare for work.

Jinming cherished the time he had with her, 8am his working time, he would spent even the last minute to be in webcam with her, 745am is the latest timing he rush to work.

That day, before jinming and peijing ended their chat, jinming saw peijing wipping her eyes, kind of a sad face.

In jinming mind.
"is she crying?"

Jinming asked peijing.
" what happened to you? huh? your eyes very dry is it? is it cause of contact lens? or are you crying? "

peijing replied.
"yup, my eyes is kinda of dry"

The last song that played in jinming laptop before he ended this chat was when i fall in love by matthew dean...after this song they will end this chat.

Lucky, jinming was not late for work, after he park his car, he smsed peijing.
" Have a early night, i miss you "

peijing replied.
" i miss you too, actually just now i cried, i also dunno why? is the feeling that make me cry, feel abit stupid crying for a person i dunno well. "

jinming sent.
" don/t cry le, make me worry "

peijing replied.
" how i wished you were by my side now, decorate my room with me, spend time with me, i miss you"

jinming sent.
" how i wish too, dun cry le, i miss you, hope the first thing when im back home, will be able to see you online "

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